


“A”s to Your Frequently Asked “Q”s

Benevity-ites are a rather curious bunch, and we’re willing to bet you have lots of questions. The fact that you clicked on this link is a pretty good indicator that you have at least one! Here is a list of commonly asked questions. We’re adding to these on a regular basis, so please let us know if there are questions you have that are not covered here.

Q: What time should I be ready on my first day?

A: Please arrive to HQ or the Barcelona office in time for your first session, as specified in your welcome email. Once you receive your laptop, you will see Google Calendar invites from our People Team with the Launch Pad schedule. For more details on what to expect, check out Your First Week.

Q: What should I do if I need accessibility accommodations for Launch Pad?

A: We want your Launch Pad to be a great experience for you! If you need any accommodations to help you get the most out of your first week with us, make sure your recruiter knows ahead of time so we can have whatever you need ready.

Q: What do I need to bring for my first day?

A: Bring your enthusiasm, we’ll take care of the rest!

Q: How will I get my laptop and equipment?

A: You will receive your laptop in office on your first day. If you are attending Launch Pad after your first day has passed, you will have received your laptop and equipment in the mail by your first day.

Q: How do I log into my new laptop when I get it?

A: You will have tech set up sessions with our IT team during Launch Pad to not only log you in, but set up your applications and workspaces for success.

Q: What if my question wasn’t answered here?

A: If you still have questions about something we didn’t cover, don’t hesitate to reach out to your recruiter or launchpad@benevity.com. And please let us know so we can add it to the page for future Benevity-ites!

Q: What are my benefits like?

A: During Launch Pad, we will have a comprehensive session to walk you through your benefits. We will be happy to answer any questions you have then!

Q: I am biking to the Calgary office. Where can I park my bike?

A: We have a bike room at our Calgary office. Once you receive your access card on your first day, you will be able to unlock it. Most choose to bring an additional lock to secure bikes to the wall hangers. There are lots of spots to hang or lean your bike around the room, and you'll find Benevity-ites tend to stock the room with spare parts, pumps, etc.

Q: How do I get to and from the airport to my accommodations?

A: You can use a rideshare app, taxi or public transit. We will share with you how to submit receipts to expense travel costs during your first week.

Q: What time does Launch Pad run?

A: The timing may be different depending on location. For those attending in Calgary, Launch Pad days generally run from approximately 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time. For those attending in Barcelona, Launch Pad days often start and end later, to accommodate our global team. You will receive further details from our People team.

Q: I am driving to the Calgary office. Where can I park my car?

A: Here are some parking options nearby our Calgary office:

Park Plus System:

Q: How should I get my forms to you?

A: During your first week, you will receive instructions on where to submit your forms electronically. There is no need for physical copies.

Q: Can I bring my dog to the office?

A: Both our offices in Calgary and Barcelona are dog-friendly, however, we do have guidelines including things like ensuring your dog has a friendly temperament and is always on a leash.
Launch Pad week is very busy - leave your pup at home this week!

Q: How far is the Calgary office from my accommodations?

A: Your accommodations will be approximately a 10 minute walk from the office.

Q: Is there coffee at the office?

A: Both offices have coffee machines that can make lattes, cappuccinos, etc.